Karin Petersen


  • Riverlight Campout team
  • Retreats


I have a deep desire to connect and really get others and their experience. I'm learning to listen to all my parts and be more deeply embodied. I spent many years up and out, and now that I'm IN the body, she has a lot to say and I have a lot to learn. I geek out pretty heavily on somatic meditation and the nuances of merging body and spirit, doing and being.  I find the act of interdependence with others and harmonizing a group of humans to be deeply transformational, healing, and uplifting. I come alive in holding space for groups. I just plain love it, even more so now that I'm home in my own skin. As a teacher, facilitator, student, and community organizer, I advocate for embodied presence.

Teachers & Inspirations

Internal Family Systems | Ra | Thessa Sophia | Nonviolent Communication | Somatic Therapy | Holotropic Breathwork